CAIRO — Thousands of Egyptian protesters
gathered in a central Cairo square on Friday to force the immediate
resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, in what the crowd dubbed the
"Friday of departure."
"Today is the last day ... today is the last day!" protesters shouted
as Arabic pop songs blared from a bank of speakers: "For Egypt, today
is a day a celebration!" Many of the crowd had kept vigil in Tahrir (Liberation) Square overnight, while others pitched tents or slept on the ground, defying calls from the army and the vice president that they should go home because their demands had been heard.
As the protests demanding an end to 30 years of Mubarak rule entered their 11th day, the army began removing barricades the protesters had erected after supporters of the president launched a deadly assault on them two days ago that left at least 13 dead and more than 1,200 wounded.
Story: Mubarak warns of chaos if he quits now Organizers called on people to march from wherever they were toward the square, the state television building and the parliament building — all within a mile of one another.
Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi and senior army officials visited the square in a sign that Egypt's most powerful institution was sanctioning the demonstration.
The Obama administration said it was in talks with top Egyptian officials about the possibility of Mubarak immediately resigning and an interim government forming before free and fair elections this year.
Among those options is a proposal for Mubarak to resign immediately and cede power to a transitional government run by Vice President Omar Suleiman.
Mubarak supporters on the main highway from Alexandria blocked cars from entering Cairo to prevent anti-Mubarak protesters from joining the demonstrations, a witness said.
Witnesses in the square said that soon after daybreak six army trucks had pulled up and soldiers begun dismantling a barrier at the northern end, prompting fears of a repeat of Wednesday's attack by men throwing Molotov cocktails, wielding sticks and charging on camels and horses.
"Protesters ran to argue with the army, but an officer said 'we are on your side, but we have orders from above to clear all barricades'," said Omar el-Mahdi, 28, who was one of those who went to talk to the army.
"This will open the way for thugs to come in unhindered," he added.
Protesters had formed human chains to guard the square and were checking the bags and identification cards of people as they entered to keep out pro-Mubarak supporters.
Protesters said barbed wire had been put out at all 12 entrance points to the square.
Vote: How do you feel about the events unfolding in Egypt? Protester Shaaban Mindawy, 24, said the army, working with police, had been trying to prevent people from entering the square since Thursday evening.
"The officers were very stubborn," Mindawy said, having found a way in from a side street. "The army was confiscating food and medical supplies that people were trying to bring inside. The officers were telling people that thugs may attack them and take their money."
Egypt's Defense Minister Mohammed Hussein Tantawi talks to anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday.
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